Preview - Central Dogma

Optional: How Do Proteins Get Their Structures?

Some proteins can fold into their 3D structure on their own just based on the chemical properties of amino acids, and others need the help of special proteins called "chaperone proteins" like the chaperonin protein from lesson 4.


File:Chaperonin 1AON.png - Wikimedia Commons

Regardless of the protein's folding independence, the way proteins fold depend on the amino acids.  Hydrophilic amino acids "love water" (and each other), as do do charged amino acids.  But hydrophobic amino acids are "afraid" of water and will not want to be close to it. 




Please answer the questions below.

Optional: Explore the model above. Write 2-3 things that you notice.

Optional: Your challenge is to figure out which amino acids in this sequence are hydrophilic and which are hydrophobic (blue circles vs. green squares).  Assuming that the protein is floating in a watery environment, how will you use the model to address your challenge?

Optional: Which amino acids (blue circles or green squares) are hydrophobic? Explain your answer and upload evidence in the next question.

Optional: Upload your evidence here

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